Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blogs and Helpful Sites

www.thekindlife.com The Kind Life is Alicia Silverstone's site. It is a great blog and you can sign up to receive automatic updates. She provides everything from personal triumph stories, recipes, restaurants, and new finds in vegan cosmetics and clothes to gardening and guess blogs from her husband.

www.vegnews.com This site is ran in conjunction with VegNews Magazine. It has all sorts of helpful and interesting articles. If you do not subscribe to the magazine, then you should definitely check out the site.

savvyabby.blogspot.com Savvy Abby is a blog that sprang from VegNews Magazine. You can also find a link to it on their home page. Abby finds and shares with her readers all kinds of great and inexpensive finds.

vegweb.com This is my go to site for recipes. It is awesome. You can peruse the hundreds of recipes available or if you are looking for a vegan alternative to one of your favorite dishes, you can type it in and will most likely find many, many alternative recipes. It is absolutely fantastic.

www.happycow.net Happy Cow is the compassionate eating guide. It is a site dedicated to finding vegan restaurants and health food stores in your area or an area you may be traveling to. Wonderful information, especially if you travel often.

www.goveg.com GoVeg is run by PETA and is an excellent source for those who are just beginning to live the vegan lifestyle or are just wanting some more information about what it means to be vegan. You can sign up on line to receive their free vegetarian starter kit.

www.veggieboards.com Veggie Boards is a site for discussion and information. It has many different threads going at the same time, so it is almost certain that someone out there is asking the same kinds of questions you are and there are always lots of opinions on what the answer may be.
The following two sites, www.goodguide.com and www.cosmeticsdatabase.com are excellent resources. They help in finding the right products for you. Information is provided on the companies themselves concerning animal testing, ingredients, and environmental factors so that you, the consumer, can make an educated purchase the next time you go shopping.

I hope you find at least some of these sites helpful. I visit quite a few of them regularly and benefit greatly from their information.

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